Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Western (American and European) Guinea “Pigism” and the Collaboration of African Elites

The celebrations in Nigeria on the eradication of Ebola should be squared against the sad reality that about 1 million West Africans are expected to die by next year if the Ebola biological terrorism continues.The speed to cheer is ill-advised if we do not get a foothold at the problem.The Economic Community of West African States' (ECOWAS) governments need to meet in Nigeria immediately and remove all western sponsored bio-terrorism establishments in West Africa. The Anglo European actions are reminiscent of the offering of molasses, butter, bibles, and gun powder in exchange for human slaves.

Furthermore, decisions need to be made about what is really needed in Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leone. Do we need medical doctors like the contingent from Cuba or foreign troops in West Africa? If the foreign troops remain should they be supervised by ECOMOG soldiers? How do we supply local foods to communities under quarantine? The alternative is to seat tight in fear with divide and conquer physic, whereas allowing for a biological terrorism holocaust in the region. These are some of the critical issues at stake for the West African people and governments.
As these aforementioned modalities are examined there needs to be the push for parallel investigations to ascertain how Ebola got to West Africa for the first time. Instead of falling prey to the lies of how bats transported Ebola from East Africa to West Africa, the assessments need to focus on all the western bioterrorism research centers in Africa. Why do we have Tulane University, the United States government, the United States Army, and the World Health Organization (WHO) experimenting with Ebola in West Africa?
These independent investigations must also examine the collaboration of African rulers and officials in these ongoing biological warfare disaster. How did the authorities in the affected countries decide to outsource their healthcare systems? When did they start focusing on Ebola instead of tackling diseases like malaria, typhoid fever, and pneumonia that are perennial killers in Africa? Western companies and their officials that offer African rulers visas while proceeding to conduct Ebola and other bioterrorism research activities need to be prosecuted at the International Criminal Court (ICC).
Whereas, all the infected American Ebola patients have survived, the only African who arrived and became symptomatic was allowed to die under clouds of suspicion in Dallas Texas. Mr. Thomas Eric Duncan’s death was an open letter to the world which categorical states that African Ebola victims who are able to arrive in Western countries are not welcomed here. Ebola has decimated African health workers. But are African rulers and people going to stand by while this primed weapon of mass destruction dislodges the Chinese influence in Africa, imposes foreign troops, and aid the looters.
                                Nnamdi F. Akwada MSW, BA is a SocialJustice Activist



Thursday, September 11, 2014

Michael Brown- Did the Police Kill the wrong Boy?

As a transplanted African man in the American cosmos with four children including three boys, I am forced to address and confront the vigilante execution of Michael Brown in broad daylight and the ramifications that might prevail in the later years. It does not take a behavioral scientist or some extensive longitudinal research to figure out that America for all its virtues and values remains a society hedged on white systematic privilege, socioeconomic classism, and cast. Hence, a justice system that humanizes Caucasians with innate status, others with their income/wealth, and some due to their closeness to whiteness at every juncture.

One of the entities that encapsulates the governmental sanctioning of Caucasian privilege is the American regional and local police forces. These men and women with state and municipality authorities are granted the licenses to kill without little or no accountability. Police officers work hand in hand with prosecutors and judges and are granted the privilege of infallibility. So enormous are these relationships that they have developed cottage industries to tax and lockup whole communities of poor, disenfranchised, and dark skin people for minor traffic infractions under the cover of the so called impartial criminal justice system.

Interestingly, I am a witness to the impunity of this privilege that dots the American landscape and gets threatened when black people speak, especially those with accents. I was threatened with arrest by a judge few months ago, just few days after welcoming my third son into the universe. I had arrived in the Maryland district court to answer to what I assumed was a routine speeding ticket. At the onset, I motioned her Honor to grant a summary dismissal of the case. I reminded the judge that this was the third time the proceeding was scheduled and that my right for speedy trial had been compromised. I also told the judge that I was experiencing sleep deprivation because of my new born.

In my exhaustion and naivety I was quickly made to remember that police officers are angels who are supported in every step of the way. They can do no wrong though they issue speeding infractions while in motion, an action that might be contrary to elementary physics. At the transaction in court, I was reminded like Professor Henry Gates that my degrees and integrity, did not amount to much. As an African man I am to remain in my stead, shut up, be docile, and pray for the mercies of a prejudice system. The police officers are always 100% right. Never second guess them despite qualitative and quantitative evidences that say otherwise.          

However, the rightness of the supposed peace officers who are more interested in maintaining societal order which includes the marginalization of others, have ran into the fatherhood conundrum within the African American communities. Before the execution of Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown there was a common held misnomer that black children and adults who died from gun violent are deserving of such demise. The black communities and the larger society in the US were told to overlook issues of economics and justice as though phenomenon such as poverty, drug proliferation, mass incarceration, and fatherlessness occur in vacuums.

There is now the jarring reality that black boys with working class fathers, black boys who are not drug pushers, black boys that listen to hip-hop music, and black boys who do not use more drugs than their counterparts in other communities, can be the victims of extrajudicial killings in the land of liberty. The US government and global agencies such as Amnesty International preach about extrajudicial killings in faraway lands while they ignore those that happen in their backyards. As the Brown’s and other families seek justice, the privileged should not derail their quest. Otherwise, someday on the execution of a black kid, it will take more than warfare weapons to secure the system.

                         Nnamdi F. Akwada MSW, BA is a Social Justice Activist 